Writing Tips to Overcome Aspects of Failure

Success is often served with a side of failure. Keep the failure.

Writers often chase success, only to fall short. It’s not uncommon for writers to chase success only to fall short of their goals.

The feeling of defeat should be inspiration for taking on a new challenge. It should be an opportunity to learn and try a different way.

Here are some examples of failed authors who lost their momentum and became impatient with their writing. Pay attention to the tips provided after each example if you feel the same frustration.


Bill: A Daily Habit of Excuses Bill would make excuses to avoid writing, even if he had the time. He would convince himself that someone had already written about a topic he thought was interesting. He no longer felt passionate and driven about his work. He was full of excuses, and had a bad case procrastination.



* Becoming a master author is not something that happens overnight. But each night you make some improvements, it’s a victory.

Make excuses for not writing. This will affect your personal life. Keep motivated to overcome procrastination.

* The phrase “practice makes perfection” is a simple line of encouragement. You don’t need to be perfect, you just have want to.


Kathy: Too Many Fish in the Sea Kathy is a self-starter and never pays attention to the success or failure of other authors. She lost her focus over time and began to check out the competition. She began to lose her work ethic when she saw all the successful writers. How could she stand a shot?



* Don’t worry about the other guy and keep your eyes on the bigger picture.

Learn how others overcame their struggles.

Nobody knows what’s up your sleeve. Think big to make a lasting impression.


Jim: Public Eye Jitters: Jim had excellent writing skills but was afraid to let people know about them. He wanted to establish credibility and highlight his niche, without appearing desperate. He didn’t know how to approach article marketing. He turned his writing into a pastime and hasn’t been heard from since.


* To get the message out, you need passion, dedication and effective strategies, not a background or experience in marketing & selling.

If you are not comfortable with your real name, publish your work as a pen-name.

Use social media to find out how other writers have found success. Asking for advice is not a bad idea!


Robert: Loss of Creativity The writer’s block has taken its toll on Robert. He was overwhelmed by the sheer number of niches he could write about. What is the hot topic? What kind of information were the readers looking for? Robert was still plagued by these questions, so he chose to stay on the couch, pout, and postpone his chance to make a splash. He gave up because his creative juices weren’t flowing.



Re-read old writings and think about the inspiration that inspired you at the time.

* Step outside. Reflect on your experience by visiting a location that is different from your usual routine.

Re-read a book, article or short story that inspired you. It’s not that you lack creativity, but it needs to be reignited.


Sarah: No Time to Write Finding the time to write is like looking for a pin in a swimming pool. Sarah didn’t get much time to herself. All of Sarah’s energy was consumed by long work hours, appointments and children to care for. Her only escape seemed to be the bathroom. It was hopeless. She just wasn’t cut-out to be a novelist.



Be clear about the time you have available. Keep to your schedule. Other people will understand.

You should have a dedicated space to write. When you are locked away from distractions, you will find peace.

* Use time-saving methods. For ideas, check out these 30 Time Saving Tips.

You may think that others have it easier than you, but successful writers also face their own challenges. Keep working on your writing, and never lose hope.

Get creative and put on your apron. You can break a few eggs to get to the main dish. You will overcome failure as long as you keep trying and think positively.


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